Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hip Hop and the Arts in San Jose

Rosie McCann's Irish pub in Santana Row will be giving away 4 tickets to the upcoming Kanye West & Rihanna show. Give them a call for details on the drawing--or better yet, stop by and sample their delicious Irish fare and drinks.
Rosie McCann's Irish Pub & Restaurant
355 Santana Row #1060
San Jose, CA 95128
Ph: 408 247-1706
Fax: 408 247-1870

Mr. I Got It, San Jose's newest hip hop clothing store, will be opening this Saturday. Located at the corner of Capitol Expressway and Vistapark Dr., it's nestled in a strip mall with a Togo's and a Baskin Robbins. I was also told that the staff just finished filming a commercial, so be on the lookout for that as well.

Mr. I Got It
Corner of Capitol Expressway and Vistapark Dr
San Jose, CA 95136

Experience Art!
San Jose is hosting the 01SJ: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge. The festival will run until June 8th, and includes music, art, and other forms of media and participation-based activities throughout downtown. (The interactive Antarctic weather station dress is particularly interesting). If you're visiting Santana Row, there's even a rain exhibit that you can splash through--just don't forget to grab an umbrella! Check out the website for more information:

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